Industrial Automation

Industrial Automation
NovemcontrolsIndustrial Automation

Industrial Automation

Industrial automation is a set of technologies that uses control systems and devices, such as computer software and robotics, to enable automatic operation of industrial processes and machinery without the need for human operators.Automation is the use of technology to perform tasks with reduced human assistance. Any industry that encounters repetitive tasks can use automation, but automation is more prevalent in the industries of manufacturing, robotics, and automotives, as well as in IT systems.


Fixed Automation

Fixed automation often has a set task, continuous workflow, large volume production, and a high barrier of entry.


Programmable Automation

Often associated with batch production, programmable automation works well for making several dozens to thousands of units


Integrated Automation

Integrating devices and machines onto a single control system connects the dots between processes, production lines, and more.


Flexible Automation

As industrial automation types progress the processes seem to involve less human interaction and downtime while increasing the range of products produced on one machine or production line. Flexible automation often involves precise electromechanical controls; A CNC machine is a good example.