Artificial Intelligence

Artifical intelligence
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Artifical intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI), in its broadest sense, is intelligence exhibited by machines, particularly computer systems. It is a field of research in computer science that develops and studies methods and software that enable machines to perceive their environment and use learning and intelligence to take actions that maximize their chances of achieving defined goals.[1] Such machines may be called AIs.


Reactive Machine

A reactive machine is the simplest type of artificial intelligence (AI) system. It does not store memories or past experiences to influence future decisions. Instead, it responds directly to specific inputs with outputs based on the current situation.


Limited Memory

Limited memory AI systems are more advanced than reactive machines. This type of AI can look at historical information to inform its decisions, though it still operates within a predefined scope and doesn't have a long-term memory like humans.


Theory of Mind

The "Theory of Mind" (ToM) is a psychological concept that refers to the ability to attribute mental states—such as beliefs, desires, intentions, and knowledge—to oneself and others. It also involves understanding that others have thoughts, feelings,



Self-awareness is the ability to recognize and understand one's own thoughts, emotions, motives, and behaviors. It involves an awareness of the self as separate from others and the environment, and personal development, intelligence, and effective social interaction.